Regular Cannabis Seeds: What You Need to Know

Regular Cannabis Seeds: What You Need to Know

At Official Strains, we are proud to offer a wide range of cannabis seeds, including regular seeds. But what exactly are regular cannabis seeds, and why do growers choose them? In this blog, we explain what regular seeds are, their benefits, and how to make the most of these seeds.

What Are Regular Cannabis Seeds?

Regular cannabis seeds are seeds that can produce both male and female plants. Unlike feminized seeds, which are genetically modified to produce only female plants, regular seeds give you a natural mix of sexes. This means you have approximately a 50% chance of getting male plants and a 50% chance of getting female plants.

Why Choose Regular Seeds?

There are several reasons why growers choose regular cannabis seeds:

Genetic Stability: Regular seeds offer broader genetic diversity, which can help in developing strong, stable plants with robust traits.

Breeding: For growers who want to develop their own varieties, male plants are essential. Male plants produce pollen that can be used to pollinate female plants and create new seeds.

Mother Plants: Regular seeds are ideal for selecting mother plants. By choosing the best female plants, you can create strong and healthy clones for future harvests.

How to Use Regular Cannabis Seeds

Growing regular seeds follows a similar process to growing feminized seeds, with some additional considerations:

Germination: Germinate your regular seeds in the same way as other seeds. Place them between moist paper towels, in a glass of water, or directly in the soil.

Caring for Young Plants: Ensure your young plants receive enough light, water, and nutrients. Use high-quality soil and maintain appropriate temperature and humidity levels.

Identifying Sex: Once the plants begin to grow, you will need to identify their sex. Male plants develop pollen sacs, while female plants produce white hairs (stigmas). Remove the male plants if you do not want seed production.

Growth and Flowering: During the growth phase, your plants will develop into strong, healthy specimens. During the flowering phase, the female plants will produce buds that you can harvest for their cannabinoid-rich content.

Harvesting and Drying

Once the buds are fully developed, you can harvest and dry them to obtain your own high-quality cannabis. Follow the proper drying and curing methods to achieve the best flavor and potency.


Regular cannabis seeds offer numerous benefits for growers seeking genetic diversity, breeding opportunities, and strong mother plants. Whether you are a beginner or have years of experience, regular seeds can help you make the most of your growing space and resources.

At Official Strains, we are proud of our wide range of high-quality regular cannabis seeds. Visit our website to learn more about our products and start your growing adventure today. With the right seeds and guidance, you can enjoy a successful and satisfying growing experience.

Happy growing!


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